Sunday, September 23, 2012

Is SoZo Life A Scam or Legitimate Opportunity

A Word From Allan Duncan
Have you heard about SoZo or the powerful CoffeeBerry?  Are you curious if there is a genuine business opportunity with this company or if the product is  any good?  This article will answer your questions with complete honesty.  If you're looking for smoke and mirrors or want to be hyped up, you should move on.

Anytime someone asks you to check out a new business opportunity, especially coming from a relative, friend or someone who has no business experience, we get suspicious. Red flags are raised and we assume either the person is trying to scam you or they have been scammed and don't realize it yet.  It's human nature for us to be skeptical, as we are creatures of habit and anything "out-of-the-norm" makes us uncomfortable.  Unfortunately there are a lot of scams in the world.  A lot of hyped up products that don't work, a lot of money-making schemes where a few get rich and the rest go poor.  It's sad but true.  For the sake of time I'm going to get right into an analysis of SoZo Life and hopefully give you the answers you seek.

Is SoZo Life A Scam or a Get Rich Quick  Scheme?

The simple answer to this is NO.  Let me explain.  The first few paragraphs will be my opinion on a few issues and after that you'll receive nothing but the facts.

For starters there isn't a get rich quick scheme outside of winning the lottery.  A lot of people today want to get rich without doing any work which makes no sense.  What makes them think they deserve to become wealthy without working for it?  A lot of network marketing companies will entice people into joining their company by showing the end result of a lot of time and effort while forgetting to mention the time and effort.  Network marketing is the greatest industry in the world when it comes to generating wealth.  I can't think of another opportunity where the income potential is truly unlimited and residual.  It doesn't matter what company you're looking at, even SoZo.  If someone is showing you the $50,000 a week you can earn and the Lamborghini you can have paid for as a monthly bonus, without telling you that you're going to need to dedicate the next several years of your life to building your business then you have been misled.

I like to tell people that a SoZo business is as little or big as you want it to be.  SoZo has a phenomenal compensation plan that you can make a lot of money with.  In fact it can be way more than any corporate job in the world.  But is this your goal?  For the average person, they would be totally satisfied and extremely excited at a decent little side income.  Heck, an extra $500 a month could have stopped a majority of households from declaring bankruptcy on their homes in the U.S.  Unfortunately many network marketers, especially the ones who desire great riches, don't understand this and plant seeds of extreme wealth into their prospects head and immediately create a path to failure.  Most people simply do not have the extra time nor desire to do what it takes to make a ton of money in network marketing, but most people do have what it takes to make enough money to cover the cost of their product and make a respectable side income.

Do you get where I'm going with this?  Wouldn't it be better to see 100 people achieve smaller goals than 100 people fail at unobtainable goals?

For The Facts:  What sets SoZo A Part?

Mark Adams CEO SoZo
Probably the #1 thing you can look at to notice that SoZo is different from another network marketing company is to take a look at the CEO and Founder Mark Adams.  Google SoZo Mark Adams and notice is the first site that pops up.  There you have it.  Mark Adams has a resume like no other network marketing CEO.  To be honest, Mark has never done network marketing before in his life and has a reputation for building extremely successful real-world companies such as Advocate MD, the largest medical liability insurance company in Texas.  If you read further you'll notice Mr. Adams won the 2008 Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year award.  Do you really think someone like Mark would tout that SoZo is the favorite company he's created and put his name on a company that would scam someone out of a couple hundred dollars? See Mark's Forbes page HERE

The second most compelling reason to look at SoZo seriously is the product it sells.  If you truly look into the research behind the CoffeeBerry and understood the hundreds of thousands of dollars in research that's been done on it, you'd want to buy stock in it today.  The fact that SoZo has the exclusive rights to selling the highest rated antioxidant fruit on the planet is enough to make every competitor red with jealousy.  Imagine if Mona Vie was the only company able to harvest the Acai berry?  This is a reality for SoZo and the CoffeeBerry happens to be 50X more potent than Acai!   I ask you to PLEASE show me a company that has a published study on the effects of their products on the human blood.  To this date I have found none.  SoZo's functional beverage was shown to reduce inflammatory markers by 40% in a double-blind study.  Quite simply, SoZo has scientific evidence that its product works.  View the published study HERE

The third reason why SoZo is an absolutely legitimate opportunity is the fact that they are a member of the Direct Selling Association, aka DSA.  There are thousands of network marketing companies in the US alone (see list here) and less than 200 are qualified to be a part of the DSA.  In short it's the regulatory entity that ensures a direct selling company is ethical and not a "scam".  See the DSA website HERE

The fourth reason to seriously consider SoZo ties into the belief system and values of SoZo's leadership.  Mark Adams has examined the reasons why many network marketing companies have failed.  Many of the issues are obvious; poor ethics, false claims, bad management, not enough money or resources to sustain it, etc.  The main thing that Mark couldn't understand was the fact that that it's an industry standard to accept that 9 out of every 10 distributors end up quitting.  What if 9 out of 10 never quit?  What would it take to achieve this?  SoZo has a compensation plan that doesn't have hidden road blocks in it that prevent the average person from making good money.  Many of the bonuses come very early in the compensation plan rather than later.  For instance, the car allowance bonus in SoZo has the lowest volume requirements of any company.  The thought is, "Why not make success achievable for everyone rather than just the big builders?"  Click HERE to watch an interview with Mark Adams discussing all this and more.

The last reason I will give, just so that this article doesn't turn into a book, is the benefits you get when you become a SoZo distributor.  Mark Adams asked the question as to why the majority of people will work years and years with a company doing a job they absolutely hate, yet never leave.  For many it's due not only to the income but the benefits, such as health and life insurance.  Mark Adams has made SoZo the only network marketing company that offers full health and life insurance benefits to its distributors.  These benefits aren't reserved for only the highest ranks either.  These benefits begin at the 2nd lowest rank in the company, called "bronze," which is simply qualifying and enrolling two people as distributors.. For millions of people out there, this alone would be worth building a network marketing business.  This is a reality for a SoZo distributor.

In closing I would like to thank you if you took the time to read this entire article.  There are a lot of wonderful network marketing companies in the world and I believe SoZo will one day be recognized as one of the greatest.  I believe the industry will soon be looked on positively and the few bad apples will be long gone.  If you understand and accept that network marketing is a great opportunity when you find the right company with the right product and leadership, then you will be on your way to achieving whatever your goals may be.  I truly hope you understand that with great dreams come great challenges and a lot of hard work and dedication, but the fact that you can achieve all your greatest dreams with SoZo is totally worth it!


Allan Duncan

The Story of SoZo

Coffee Berry

  SoZo is a biblical term meaning overall health and wellness. Why was that name given to a coffee?? 
Because of its health potentials. 

The coffee berry is loaded with antioxidants. 

The coffee berry was discovered after a trip to a remote mountain in Colombia. The members of the party found that all of the natives upon the mountain were abnormally fit and healthy for their living conditions. The reason: The natives treated the coffee berry like a gum and chewed them daily while working. The members saw the great health potential and decided to slap it into a coffee!

Friday, September 21, 2012


SoZo Coffee

Coffee is the second largest commodity in the WORLD.  150 Million American's drink it everyday. BUT no one thinks about it as a healthy beverage...until now. SoZo Coffee is a recently discovered product that integrates Coffeeberries (Ever heard of it?) into each batch of coffee. The Coffeeberry is a berry that coats the actual Coffee Bean. Sounds weird right? But it's real. It actually has more antioxidants within it than an entire cup of blueberries. Still sounds weird, I know. But if you're really not convinced this link will take you to SoZo's website and teach you more about the Coffeeberry and SoZo Coffee as well as make it available for you to buy and drink!

Ok! It sounds sketchy with the whole discover prosperity title behind it! It's not! It will take you to the coffee website and nothing else! I'll leave my number just so you can yell at me if the link takes you to a spam infested site! (254) 434-1009. Now, go for it!

I'll post occasion to occasion with more details on this really cool new Coffee!
