Friday, September 21, 2012


SoZo Coffee

Coffee is the second largest commodity in the WORLD.  150 Million American's drink it everyday. BUT no one thinks about it as a healthy beverage...until now. SoZo Coffee is a recently discovered product that integrates Coffeeberries (Ever heard of it?) into each batch of coffee. The Coffeeberry is a berry that coats the actual Coffee Bean. Sounds weird right? But it's real. It actually has more antioxidants within it than an entire cup of blueberries. Still sounds weird, I know. But if you're really not convinced this link will take you to SoZo's website and teach you more about the Coffeeberry and SoZo Coffee as well as make it available for you to buy and drink!

Ok! It sounds sketchy with the whole discover prosperity title behind it! It's not! It will take you to the coffee website and nothing else! I'll leave my number just so you can yell at me if the link takes you to a spam infested site! (254) 434-1009. Now, go for it!

I'll post occasion to occasion with more details on this really cool new Coffee!


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